Barack Obama’s 2008 Solar Return

Barack Obama will celebrate his 47th birthday with a fund-raiser tonight in Boston, but where will he be this morning at 9:50 a.m.? That’s when the Sun returns to the exact place where it was when he was born, allowing astrologers to calculate his “solar return” or chart for this birthday year.

A little background for non-astrologers: The aspects between the planets remain the same, no matter where the chart is set. It’s the house cusps and the placement of the planets within the houses that change according to location.

I did a little digging and reports Obama is giving a speech in Lansing, Mich., this morning at 11 a.m. Of course, he could be in an airplane or a bus at 9:50, but I’m going to assume he’ll get to his destination a little ahead of time.

Thanks to the Daily Kos, we have the official proof that Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Aug. 4, 1961 at 7:24 p.m. Here’s his solar return, cast for Lansing.

I’m sorry to see that this chart has Moon/Mars in Virgo on the Ascendant opposing Uranus in Pisces. What does this mean? That Obama and the women (Moon) in his life are going to be subject to attacks or accidents (Mars/Uranus). This doesn’t mean that they will necessarily be physical attacks, but they will be attacks nonetheless.

Here’s what Reinhold Ebertin has to say about Moon/Mars equals Uranus in The Combination of Stellar Influences: “Quick irritability…a sudden experience in a woman’s life.”

But here’s some good news for Obama supporters: Ebertin says Moon/Mars on the Ascendant is “the taking over of leadership.”

Other highlights of Obama’s 2008 solar return:

Pluto in Sagittarius trine Venus in Leo. Issues about parentage could be coming out. I don’t think Obama has a love child, but we could see some interesting allegations about love and sex. I’ve learned since first writing this that the tabloid The Globe is peddling an Obama love child story this week. Strange days, indeed!

Mars conjunct Moon in Virgo. Possible disagreements with his wife Michelle. Perhaps she’s accusing him of selling out or going too mainstream. Big problems involving health care if he is elected President.

Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo on the Nodes. Obama’s connecting with the public in a big way.