AstroCartoGraphy: Your Own Map of the World

Last night, I was going through my old astrology files from the early Nineties and I found my AstroCartoGraphy chart. Also known as location astrology, this field was popularized by the late Jim Lewis in the 1970s.

Here’s a link to a helpful site:

You can see your own AstroCartoGraphy (ACG), which imposes your planets and aspects on a map of the world, for free if you register at Astrodienst, which is on my blogroll.

If you’re looking for a better definition of AstroCartoGraphy, here’s one from the ACG site above. The field of location astrology involves taking “the chart from the heavens, lay[ing] it over a mercator map of the world, and draw[ing] lines showing the places on earth where each planet of the chart achieves maximum angularity.”

Given the brouhaha over Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s choice of advisers among the Cuban-American community in Miami (see my June 22 post on Elián González), I thought it would be interesting to look at Obama’s AstroCartoGraphy to see if his Mars (anger) or Pluto (intensity) lines are running through Florida and Cuba.

It turns out that the controversy in Southern Florida might not be all bad for Obama, if ACG is to be believed. If you click here, you’ll see Obama’s Sun/IC line runs through the area:

According to Astrodienst, the places where your Sun and IC lines intersect “lend themselves to the preparation of new tasks, as well as to exploring the depths of your psyche.”

I just want to stop here and thank Astrodienst for its generosity in making so much valuable information available to the astrological community for free. It’s just amazing!

Despite anxiety about Obama’s safety in the U.S., most of the potentially dangerous crossings (Mars/Descendant, Mars/IC, Uranus/Descendant, Uranus/IC) do not occur in the U.S. (I’m only looking at North America here, by the way.) His Pluto/Descendant line is activated in San Francisco, but it’s mitigated by a Venus/IC crossing.

Unfortunately for someone who wants to be an effective (emphasis on “effective”) U.S. President, Obama’s AstroCartoGraphy doesn’t look so good for Washington D.C. In the nation’s capital, he’s got Moon/Ascendant activated.

According to Astrodienst, in Washington, Obama appears “softhearted, sentimental, and vulnerable.” The message to the would-be President continues: “At times you seem irrational and unpredictable. You change your mind quite easily, and your sense of self-worth may suffer under this inconstancy and moodiness.”

Well, President George W. Bush has his Crawford (Tex.) ranch, and President Richard Nixon had the “Western White House” in San Clemente, Calif. Obama’s beneficial Jupiter/Midheaven line runs essentially parallel to the Mississippi River. Any place along the Mississippi would be good locations for Obama to “climb the social ladder and succeed professionally,” according to Astrodienst.

Should he be elected, perhaps Obama should establish his getaway White House not in his adopted hometown of Chicago, but in New Orleans.